A new Canadian children’s book tries to convince children that euthanasia is acceptable

By Wesley J. Smith

(National Review) Children are indoctrinated into anything that subverts traditional values ​​these days, and in Canada that includes bringing children with them when a loved one is euthanized – which goes by the euphemism MAID for medical assistance in dying.

Children are introduced to medical killing fields by Canadian Virtual Hospice with its Medical Aid in Dying Activity Book, described as being intended for children 6 to 12 years old. The child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia:

The three drugs work like this: The first drug makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn, snore or mumble.

The second drug causes a “coma”. A coma resembles sleep but is much deeper than normal sleep. The person will not wake up or be disturbed by noise or touch.

The third drug stops the person’s lungs from breathing, then their heart stops beating. Because of the coma, the person does not notice what is happening and it does not hurt. When their heart and lungs stop working, their body dies. It will not start working again. This often happens in just a few minutes, but sometimes (rarely) it can take hours.

And if the person asks to die, there is no way to change his mind:

As much as other people may want to change their minds, the person choosing MAID probably wishes just as strongly to be able to change their disease or condition and how it affects their life. When someone decides to seek MAID, it is usually after thinking very carefully and feeling a grudge for a long time. They may feel like nothing will change their minds because nothing can help their body or their pain improve.

That’s not true, of course. Palliative care and appropriate emotional and psychological interventions can overcome suicidal ideation in seriously ill and disabled people. But those who request euthanasia are denied this essential palliative care service. Moreover, only 15% of Canadians have adequate access to palliative care — a real scandal in a country that pushes for euthanasia.

LILY: New report shows negative effects of euthanasia on palliative care in Canada

And there are activities for the child:

Activity: Draw or write your thoughts and feelings about the person you know who chooses MAID. You can share this sheet with a member of your family or a member of the health care team who can help you with your questions, ideas and feelings…

Using blank paper or the image below, decorate it to look like you and the person. Write or draw what you think they think or feel about choosing MAID in the space around them.

The child also has “choices”:

Think about the different choices you have and which might work best for you. First, ask a parent or caregiver to go through the list and cross off anything that isn’t possible in your situation. Then you can look at the rest of the list together and choose the things you’d like to do or think about. There are no right or wrong choices, and you can change your mind at any time…

Would you like to spend time with them before their MA?
• Yes
• Nope

Where would you like to be when the person receives MAID?
• in the room with the person
• nearby but not in the room (other room in the hospital/hospice/house)
• another place that seems familiar to you (school, camp, at a friend’s or family member’s house)

If you are going to visit them, would you like to bring something:
• to hold to help you feel comfortable, such as a special blanket, jewellery, photo or toy?
• things to do to make you feel comfortable or to pass the time.

Once we approve of killing as an acceptable response to human suffering, we must teach children that killing is acceptable. Because they’re not stupid and will know that their loved one is being fired, and their immediate instinct will probably be that it’s wrong.

The whole euthanasia agenda is heartbreaking, morally destructive and evil. It not only ends the lives of desperate people who are abandoned by the “It’s Your Choice” deviation, but as this book illustrates, has the potential to have a serious impact on the emotional well-being of children. family watching their loved one kill. is discussed, planned and executed.

If I was a kid and this happened to someone I love, I would never want to see a doctor again. Good grief.

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in National Review and is reproduced here with permission.

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