Forbidden Books Week – Gateway

Hannah Michelle Bussa

Banned Books Week celebrates freedom of expression. Photo courtesy of the American Library Association.

Banned Books Week was celebrated from September 26 to October 2 this year.

Sam Petto, communications director for the ACLU of Nebraska, said Banned Books Week is an annual celebration of the freedom to read and a reminder that local governments and school districts too often try to ban books when they don’t like their ideas, their words or the points of view they present.

“The week is important because it reminds us that we must all take an active role in defending free access to information and our right to freedom of expression,” he said.

Tammi Owens, outreach and instruction librarian and associate professor at the UN, said many of the books that end up on the most contested lists contain diverse content.

“These diverse perspectives provide windows into other lives or echo our own experiences, and it’s so important that everyone has access to these stories,” she said. “Perhaps especially for people, young adults in particular, who see themselves in these stories but live in communities with people who may want to censor these ideas.”

The American Library Association is tracking book banning efforts. Petto said these numbers show common themes.

“Books presenting the views of LGBTQ people, people of color and people from certain religious traditions are most often challenged,” he said. “What does that tell us? Censorship often targets the views of those who are already the most marginalized. To solve our toughest societal problems, we need education and freedom of expression, not censorship.

Petto said he was glad the government censorship was unconstitutional.

“The law is absolutely clear on this point and groups like the ACLU are there to defend your First Amendment rights when they are violated,” he said.

Many popular books were banned.

“It seems bizarre to anyone who has dreamed since childhood of getting their letter from Hogwarts, but nationally the ACLU has defeated efforts to remove the Harry Potter series from school libraries,” Petto said.

The book “Eleanor & Park” by Omaha author Rainbow Rowell has been challenged in several school districts. Petto said Rowell links resources on its website to help students resist these censorship efforts.

Beth Black, owner of The Bookworm, said Banned Books Week is important in reminding people of the importance of free speech and the expression of ideas.

“Often the objection to a specific book, especially in schools, comes from a single person imposing their beliefs and opinions on the majority,” she said. “I think one’s objection should not be forced upon the masses.”

Black said open communication allows both sides to express their ideas and beliefs, while lack of communication is both divisive and destructive. Censorship of ideas puts an end to communication.

“As an owner of an independent bookstore and as an American citizen, I think censorship is wrong,” she said.

She said books shouldn’t just be judged by today’s standards. Books written decades ago still need to be discussed, keeping in mind the era in which they were written.

“We’ve come a long way, but it’s important to remember where we came from,” she said.

Petto said Banned Books Week isn’t just about books — it’s about freedom of expression and the right to discuss and consider all kinds of ideas and information.

“This right requires constant defense,” he said. “Example: UNO students recently helped stop a University of Nebraska Board of Regents resolution that would have chilled classroom conversations about racism and whitewashed history.”

Petto said state leaders have already said they will try to pass similar legislation next year focusing on K-12 schools, denying those students an inclusive education.

“Ideas are powerful and it is not the role of government to pick winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas,” he said. “That’s why we will always be ready to defend your right to free speech.”

The ten most banned books in the last twenty years can be found here.

