Through Your Eyes – A Children’s Book by Jena Foley

Through Your Eyes – A Children’s Book by Jena Foley


by Brian Coll

Luca is Jena’s muse and toughest critic! (but we know he loves this book)

I recently saw from a friend that a local resident wrote a children’s book. So I contacted Jena Foley, who in addition to being a new mom is a Grade 5 teacher at Loomis Elementary School in the Marple Newtown School District. I asked him a few questions about his new book and off we went…

Hi Jena, I see you’ve written a children’s book. How did you imagine “Through Your Eyes”?

I have believed in the power of mindfulness ever since I introduced it to my second class during my first year of teaching. Mindfulness helped them regulate their reactions in difficult situations and the regular practice of gratitude helped build our class community. Although I believed in the concept, I struggled to apply it to my personal life. I tended to zoom in on the past life trying to accomplish task after task. Then Luca was born. Suddenly my to-do list had to wait and I started experiencing the magic in small moments for the first time. When he was 4 months old, I saw him reach for a leaf on a tree outside our house. He turned it over to feel the bumps. Then he turned it over again to feel the smooth side. That’s when I got the idea for this book. I started watching Luca on purpose and fully immersing myself in all of our experiences, especially in nature. I felt a new gratitude for the things I was flying over every day. I hope my book can inspire that to other moms.

Is this your first book, or have you written other books or types of books?

I’ve written children’s books and songs to help children learn all my life, but this is my first published story. I’m really proud of it and I can’t wait for it to be released in the world!

Do you already have other books in mind or are you just enjoying the time spent with your child?
Yes! I have a list of book ideas, but right now I’m focused on hanging out with Luca and getting to know my new fifth graders. I can’t wait to meet them!

I see the book on Amazon, is that the only place you can buy it at this point?
Yes, right now Amazon is where you can buy my book. Here is a link to buy: foley&qid=1629027017&sprefix=through+your+eyes+jena+foley%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-1

My kids are 5 and 7 and I loved watching them grow up, our family reads a lot to each other and I can’t wait to get your book and read it as a family.
It gives me so much happiness to imagine parents and their little ones snuggled up while reading this book. I hope it inspires daily gratitude in all my readers of all ages.

Jena, thank you, good luck for this school year and any ideas for future books. Enjoy every minute with Luca.