Jackson County Libraries’ planned baby book will focus on Rogue Valley
If you’ve always wanted to write or illustrate a children’s book, this might be your chance.
Jackson County Library Services and the Jackson County Library Foundation are looking for a local author and local artist to write and illustrate a nursery rhyme book. The book will be distributed to newborns in Jackson County through the Baby’s First Book program.
The selected author will receive $3,000, while the selected illustrator will win $5,000.
All writing portfolio and artwork submissions must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 15. The winners will be announced in August.
Interested writers and artists must respect the parameters of the project.
The book, which will be titled “Rogue Reader: Baby’s First Book,” is to contain 12 rhymes focusing on Rogue Valley and southern Oregon themes, such as wildlife, terrain, weather, local people, or points of interest. Although not required for all rhymes, some rhymes may be accompanied by a familiar tune and/or have hand movements or movements that match the text.
A multicultural and bilingual book in English and Spanish is preferred.
The contest is open to Jackson County residents of all ages. JCLS and JCLF staff and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.
Writing and artwork must be original, unpublished, and free of copyright restrictions.
Upon submission, entrants grant JCLS the rights to the work and consent that it may be displayed and/or reproduced without limitation for the Baby’s First Book program and without further compensation.
Multiple submissions will be accepted, as well as submissions of writing and illustrations by the same person.
For writers, applications should include a cover letter with a brief “about the author” paragraph. The text must be in Times New Roman in size 12. Title your submission with your last name, then your first name.
Email applications to bstrong@jcls.org and put “BFB Writing Submission” in the subject line. Include your cover letter in the body of the email and attach your book text entry in PDF or DOC format.
For artists, include a cover letter with a brief “about the illustrator” paragraph. Submit a portfolio of artwork on scannable or digital art media. Portfolios containing artwork designed for children are strongly encouraged.
The selected artist will receive selected text from the book to create appropriate illustrations. The book will have front and back cover illustrations, as well as 12 pages.
JCLS and its suppliers are not responsible for color changes or other reproduction changes inherent in the printing process.
Title your portfolio submission with your last name, followed by your first name. Email your submission to bstrong@jcls.org and put “BFB Artwork Submission” in the subject line. Include your cover letter in the body of the email and attach one or more portfolio files in JPEG or PDF format.
JCLF launched its county-wide Baby’s First Book program in 2012. The program is funded by donations.
Kits are distributed in English or Spanish to ensure families of newborns have equal access to literacy materials, including information on the importance of reading for babies.
Materials include a baby book, information about library programs, a parent’s guide to reading to children, and a library card application. Families are encouraged to visit their library to get their baby’s first library card.