Why you should take an art course – The Forest Scout

Art has been an integral part of my identity since I was little. From the various summer camps I was enrolled in at a young age, to the intensive high school art classes I took in recent years, art has shaped me into the person I am today.

There are often copious amounts of self-doubt and comparison that come with tackling something new. It’s the determination and the will to keep going that makes the whole experience worth it.

To be honest, at first getting attention motivated me. But it was when I started to sit at the dining room table with a jumble of supplies working, with determination, that I realized how much it meant to me.

Lakshmi Ojha

Self-doubt, however, never goes away.

Class reviews, a walk through the classroom, or simple social media posts, get your art seen much less than other people’s. It didn’t change the meaning though, in fact it made me stick with the hobby.

The fight between self-doubt and the inspiration to create clashed as I entered high school ready to take every class I could and work towards becoming an AP Art student.

As I approach senior year, I am preparing to begin my journey in AP Art and think more about how I will incorporate art into my college experience.

Although art propels me into a whole new creative space, I believe that taking an art class can be beneficial for any student at our school. In fact, I strongly recommend that you enroll in a course before you graduate.

The course catalog offers 2D and 3D art courses that progress in level and content as you continue. Not everyone sees themselves as artistic or motivated to create more art, which makes these classes not seem as interesting or suitable for them.

Why should you take an art class even if you’re not super creative or want to pursue a career in art? Recent research has shown that involvement in the arts leads to both academic improvement as well as increased socio-emotional development and motivation. However, the benefits of participating in art should not be the only reason to enroll.

Art is an outlet. It provides a social environment to develop a skill and receive feedback from peers and a teacher. Each project offers the possibility of employing your own artistic ideas. An art course can also allow you to meet students of all levels and interests that you would never have had the opportunity to talk to otherwise. One of my first art classes in high school was to take Graphic Design 1 second semester freshman. I vividly remember how intimidating it was to sit next to a senior or even a sophomore. I really feared the upper classes.

But, with the help of this class, I came to discuss and receive feedback from all different types of students. This course was the start of my Adobe obsession and the hours I spent researching fonts to complete individual projects. An eye for design is important and has propelled me further in understanding how I want art to translate into my future.

Lakshmi Ojha

There’s an art class for everyone. In fact, many skills developed in these art classes apply further in other classes. Whether it’s photography, drawing, ceramics or graphic design, everyone has the opportunity to apply their creativity in a new course.

The most important part of everything is balance. For me, the balance shifts from writing analytical essays and memorizing signal transduction pathways to obsessing over drawing a cartoon panda. I’ve found a lot of value in letting myself breathe and just taking a project prompt as it is.

No class comes without its struggles. Almost every semester, I find myself struggling with different projects or prompts that slow me down in the speed at which I create.

I focused on three areas of the art department and advanced to level two in drawing, graphic design and photography. My experience in each class has helped me refine my artistic interests as well as build a portfolio of my experiences. Taking a class that sparks a little excitement in your mind or makes you walk to the classroom a little faster during overrun times is the right choice.

High school is a chance to see what you love and may never want to do again. It’s about finding out what can be a lifelong passion or just a course you’ve completed and gone from.

For me, there’s a lot of comfort in sitting perched on a stool in the living room listening to the hum of class while simultaneously listening to a recommended new album. It’s all about trying, so sign up for this course.