We are in the middle of a new school year, so it is a good time to remind children to be kind, to accept and to affirm people’s differences. Obviously, some differences are apparent when you look at them, but that’s not necessarily the case for neurodiverse people. Children understand quite quickly that each of their classmates is different. They learn differently. They have different relationships with people and they perceive differently. Some of these differences relate to neurodiversity. And as you’d hope, there are children’s books with neurodiverse representation that can help deepen understanding and empathy.
The term neurodiversity encompasses many ways in which people can be neurologically different from each other. The term includes autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and tic syndromes. It is also an attitude that people who are wired differently are part of the normal variation in people. It doesn’t diminish the difficulties that neurodiverse people may face, but it does reframe those differences in an accepting light, as you’ll see in those fantasy picture books and middle-grade novels.
‘A Friend For Henry’ by Jenn Bailey, illustrated by Mika Song
A friend for Henry by Jenn Bailey ($16.99, IndieBound)
Henry really wants a friend, but not just any friend. Henry meets his new classmates in hopes of finding his person. Although not made explicit in the narrative, Henry’s sensitivity, social interactions, and desire for a friend provide a nice insight into the world of a young child with autism.
‘The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr Temple Grandin’ by Julia Finley Mosca, illustrated by Daniel Rieley
The girl who thought in pictures ($17.99, IndieBound)
A biography of Dr. Temple Grandin is a great first stop when reading about neurodiversity. The way Dr. Grandin thinks in pictures has led to some of her most famous contributions to livestock behavior and handling. Not only is her neurodiversity one of her strengths, but she has taught the world a lot about what it is to be autistic. Her website has a wealth of information and advice for people with autism and their families.
‘Unstoppable Me’ by Susan Verde, illustrated by Andrew Joyner
me unstoppable by Susan Verde ($17.99, IndieBound)
Unlimited energy, no desire to sit still, on the go! This positive portrayal of a hyperactive child celebrates the exuberance and enthusiasm that can accompany ADHD or other reasons why some children seem to have an endless motor. The sparse and active style of writing will appeal to children, even if they zoom in while you read it.
‘Benji, the bad day, and me; by Sally J. Pla, illustrated by Ken Min
Benji, the bad day and me by Sally J. Pla ($18.95, IndieBound)
This sibling book is due out October 2019. Sammy is having a bad day and wants to retreat to his brother Benji’s safe and comfortable space. Benji is also having a bad day. Sammy knows Benji has a lot of tough days, so he’s happy to take a page from his book.
‘A Boy Called Bat’ by Elana K. Arnold, illustrated by Charles Santoso.
A boy called bat by Elana K. Arnold ($6.99, IndieBound)
The story of a boy and the skunk who becomes his best friend, A boy called bat is the first book in a series about a boy on the spectrum. This one got the stamp of approval from Dr. Temple Grandin herself. Readers who like this one will be delighted that there are two more volumes!
“Concentrated” by Alyson Gerber
Focused by Alyson Gerber ($16.99, IndieBound)
Middle schooler Clea’s inattentiveness catches up with her as school and extracurricular activities become more difficult. When she is diagnosed with ADHD, a lot of things fall into place for her. The close narrative really helps the reader see the world through Clea’s eyes.
“The Castaways of Echo Park” by MG Hennessey
The Castaways of Echo Park by MG Hennessey ($16.99, IndieBound)
Older kids will immediately become hooked on this story of older kids in foster care. Three children have finally found a stable and loving home, but they still have many on their plates. Everything changes when Quentin, an autistic boy, shows up. The three children who have learned to protect each other begin to identify with and care for Quentin. It’s a sweet, emotional and adventurous story for intermediate level readers.
“The Real Boy” by Anne Ursu
the real boy by Anne Ursu, ($6.99, IndieBound)
In a fantasy world filled with mystery and magic, Oscar knows he’s different from everyone else. He was chosen to apprentice with a magician and feels safe staying indoors and working with herbs. When the children on his island get sick, Oscar must expand his little world to reach out and help. It’s a celebration of diverse talents and original points of view.