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Navigating the family law system and the day-to-day logistics of separation are some of the many obstacles you will overcome after your relationship breaks down. But getting there isn’t always easy, especially for the little ones in the house.
Separation affects every aspect of life, from your finances, your family relationships, and your children’s routines. In a child’s life, a family breakdown can be a traumatic and unsettling time.
When they hear the news, children may feel sad, angry, anxious and confused. Your child’s age can also affect how they understand and adapt to this new change in their world.
Reading with your child is a practical way to ease their transition through separation and divorce. In child-centered terms, books can help children understand what is happening in their families, lessen the impact of change for them, and open up a conversation about the feelings and worries that may accompany change in your family during separation and divorce.
We have selected excellent children’s books, tried and tested by many of our customers (and ourselves!) for different ages and stages of children.
At Parker Coles Curtis, we understand that every family is unique and that there is no standard course for everyone’s separation or divorce.
We provide care, choices and practical solutions that focus on children’s best interests. If you need help with parenting plans and custody orders contact us for a free 15 minute phone call on (02) 551 2660 or simply book online
The invisible string of Patrice Karst

Source: Little Brown Young Readers.
A classic for kids who experience separation anxiety in any situation, this heartwarming story helps children cope with separation from a parent because the “invisible string” always keeps them connected.
To teach that the Invisible Channel is made of love and while you cannot see it with your eyes, you can feel it deep in your heart, you will know that you are always connected to those you love.
It’s a book for all ages to explore the intangible but unbreakable bonds between us and open deeper conversations about love.
Why do families change? Our First Lecture on Separation and Divorce by Dr. Jillian Roberts

Source: Orca Book Publishers.
Often young children blame themselves or are unsure of their place in the family during a separation or divorce.
Written by a child psychologist, this book helps adults start conversations with young people about the difficult times in their lives.
Why do families change? is part of the Just Enough series. Other topics in the series include birth, death, and diversity.
Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer

Source: Hardie Grant Publishing.
A book embracing the uniqueness and diversity of families of all shapes and sizes, this is a beautifully illustrated book for all children, including those who may feel “different” because they have more than one home.
Written by a Brisbane-based author, the book’s message that “whether you have two mums, two dads, a parent or one of each, there’s one thing that makes a family a family…and that’s is love” is an oft-repeated concept. that can bring comfort and normality in times of change and upheaval.
Two houses by Claire Masuel

Source: Penguin Random House.
A great book to help kids and parents conceptualize what life in two houses might be like and take an optimistic approach to doing so.
It’s a simple, factual and positive child-centered story.
Glue Mom and Dad by Kes Gray

Source: Hachette Australia.
A little boy tries to find a pot of parental glue to glue his mom and dad back together.
His parents have broken up and he wants to fix their marriage, make them smile and make them better.
This story is brilliantly told with a powerful message that while his parents may be broken, their love for him is not.
It’s a perfect tale for children who feel angry or resistant to the changes that come with separation and divorce, while guiding them towards acceptance.
I do not wanna talk about it: A Divorce Story for Young Children by Jennie Franz Ransom

Source: Magination Press.
Featuring a comprehensive afterword describing common children’s reactions to divorce, this book offers suggestions for parents to help their children adjust and thrive after divorce.
When a child’s parents tell her they’ve decided to divorce, the last thing she wants to do is talk about it. Instead, she wants to roar as loud as a lion so she won’t hear their painful words, or turn into a fish and hide her tears in the sea, or even turn into a bird and fly away.
Slowly, she learns that while some things will change, many others will remain the same. Although his parents disagree on many things, one thing they do agree on is that they love him very much.